Security, Privacy and GDPR FAQs

If you have a question about our security, terms of service, privacy policy or GDPR compliance? Read on for our answers:
  • What is the GDPR?

    The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a regulation designed to help citizens and residents of the European Union (EU) protect their personal data by specifying how such data may be collected, processed and stored. At Local Reminder, we’re fully compliant as of Aug 1st, 2019.

  • Is Local Reminder GDPR compliant?

    Yes. Local Reminder and our services are fully compliant with the GDPR as of Aug 1st, 2019.

  • Are our customers able to use Local Reminder products and services without risking a breach of the GDPR?

    Yes, from our end. Of course, if your customers are in a location where the GDPR applies, they need to make sure their business operation is compliant with the GDPR in its own right.

  • What types of personal data does Local Reminder collect?

    When registering for Local Reminder you voluntarily give us information such as your name and email address. You can access and update this information at any time in your personal Account Settings.

    In addition, when you use our services, you give us the consent to use the following data:

        • Email
        • IP address
        • Device ID
        • Name and surname (optional, not processed)
        • Phone number (optional, not processed)
        • Gender (optional, not processed)
  • Why does Local Reminder collect personal data?

    The data we collect is required for us to provide you with our services and is used to improve Local Reminder.

  • How does Local Reminder process data?

    Local Reminder is considered a Data Processor which means that Local Reminder controls how your user data is processed and is responsible for the data to be processed within GDPR regulations. Although Local Reminder owns the code, databases, and all rights to the Local Reminder applications, you retain all rights to your data.

    When it’s absolutely necessary, we use GDPR-compliant third party services and hosting partners such as Google Firebase, AWS and Google G-Suite. In these cases, we take the necessary safeguards to ensure that we are GDPR compliant when sending and receiving data from the third party.

    Check out Local Reminder’s privacy policies for more information.

  • Do you provide a list of relevant third party services?

    Yes. When necessary, we use the following GDPR-compliant third party services:

    • Amazon Web Services
    • Google Analytics
    • Google Firebase
    • Zendesk
    • SendGrid
    • Mailgun
    • Fabric (Crashlytics)
    • Baremetrics
    • MailChimp
  • Do you process any Data outside the EU?

    Yes, we do. We process data in Quebec, CANADA. We only collect as little data as possible, and all data is encrypted using AES 256 encryption.

  • Do you ever sell any data?

    No, we never sell data.

  • Do you store any personal data once I've deleted my account?

    Upon deleting your account, all your personal data will be removed from our production systems. Only an encrypted copy of your data will remain on our backup archives for 180 days. After this period, all data associated with your account will be deleted permanently.

  • Does Local Reminder offer a Data Processing Agreement (DPA)?

    Yes. We offer a DPA that has been pre-signed on behalf of Local Reminder. It can be completed by filling out your details and signing it. Please contact us for your further needs.

  • How is personal data protected?

    We restrict staff access to personal data to a very small number of employees those who need access for specific reasons to improve Local Reminder.

    We regularly test, assess and evaluate the effectiveness of our processes and technology.

    We use encryption to safeguard data.

  • How is personal data encrypted?

    When user data is stored in servers and databases, Local Reminder uses AES 256 encryption. When the data is being sent or received, it is encrypted with TLS 1.1 or above. Data backups on our server are encrypted with AES256 and signed by RSA with 2048 key length.

    Additionally, Local Reminder creates automatic backups within the app on a daily basis for our users. We take the necessary safeguards to ensure that these are well protected by maintaining a security system that prevents unauthorized access.

    Since GDPR has various requirements, your compliance needs will depend on your precise circumstances. If you have specific questions or needs, please contact the support team.